Youth Grades 6th - 12th

Welcome to Holy Cross Youth Ministry.  We welcome all youth in grades 6th - 12th, we have three simple goals which are in line with the Bishops document Renewing the Vision:

  • To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
  • To draw young people to responsible full and active participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
  • To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.

We strive to reach these goals through our Wednesday Evening Faith Formation, Bible Study, Praise and Worship Music, Saturday Service, Monthly Socials, Retreats, Peer Ministry, Mission Trip, Parent/youth gatherings, Bi Annual National Conference, Diocesan and Deanery gatherings.

Our youth are encouraged to be active in our weekly Wednesday mass as readers, music ministry, greeters, teacher's aides and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. 

Please check out our links for our annual calendar, permission slips, photo gallery, prayer requests and instructional for ongoing formation.

Join us on Facebook and Instagram

Take a moment to pray for our youth as they journey with Christ.